2022-...: tenure-track researcher, Sapienza Università di Roma.
2021-2022: postdoctoral researcher in experimental condensed matter, Leiden University.
2019-2021: senior researcher at Microsoft Quantum, TU Delft, the Netherlands.
2017-2018: researcher at Microsoft Quantum Station Q, University of California Santa Barbara, United States.
2015-2016: postdoctoral researcher in condensed matter theory, Yale University, United States. Advisor: Leonid Glazman.
2011-2015: PhD in Physics, Leiden University, the Netherlands. Advisor: Carlo Beenakker.
2008-2011: MSc in Physics, Sapienza Università di Roma.
2005-2008: BSc in Physics, Sapienza Università di Roma.
Outstanding Referee of the American Physical Society (2018).
Winner of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellowship (2016, declined).
Winner of the Christiaan Huygens Prize for my PhD thesis (2015).
Selected participant for the 65th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (2015).